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vendredi, 24 août 2018

Le Vieux Leon / Dear Old Leon

Bad Reputation plays Le Vieux Leon, song by Georges Brassens, adapted and translated by Pierre de Gaillande. At Barbes, Brooklyn, August 24, 2013. Shot on Gopro by audience members. This is a preview of the forthcoming album Bad Reputation Volume 2, out in October on Vermillion records. Please contribute to our Indiegogo campaign here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bad... Live Band: Pierre de Gaillande, vocals and guitar; Andrew Hall, bass; Alanna McDonald, percussion and bells; Tom Abbott, clarinet and accordion. Recorded Band: Pierre de Gaillande, vocals and guitar; Christian Bongers, bass; Dave Spinley, sax; Ken Thomson, clarinet; Josh Camp, accordion.

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